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step forward

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  • home
  • home
  • home
  • Education System
  • Why StepForward
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  • Program
  •  StepForward intro
  • community

educatiin system

  • why StepForward
  • ?????¡????¡???¸??¤
  • ?????¡?´?????????¤???

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wht stepforward

HOMEEducation SystemWhy StepForward

??¤??????????????? ??¤????°???? ?²½?????¼?¡? ????????? ?°¨?³??????? ????²´????????¼ ?°??????¼?¡? ?³??°???? Needs??? ?§??¶? ???????????? ?????¡?³¼?????? ????³??????° English Communication ????????? ??¤?§???? ????????? ?²½???????²? ??´?????½?????¤.

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?????°??¤??½?³? ?°???¨??? ?°??????? Three Step, Understand -> Speak -> Write??? ?·¼?±°?????? ?????±??????????????¤.


??¸??´????????? ?¸°?³¸????????¸ ??¤?????? 2?°??§? ????¹???? ??°??¼ ????????? ?°¨?³??????? ????????¼ ?????´ ??¨?¸°?°? ??´ ??¸??´????????? ??¤?§???? ????????? ?¸°?????´ ?³´?????? ???????????¤.

?¸°?³¸????¹?-01.The only way to learn a language is through practicing as much as they can. 02.The most effective way to memorize something is through repetition

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????¶???? ?°?????²½????³¼ ??±??¤??¨??? ?¸°?³¸???????¡? StepForward?§???? Teaching Skill??? ?????? ?????¡??? ??´?????? ?°?????§???? ????????¼?¡? ????????? ?°???¸??? ?????? ?°? ??±?????? ?????? ??¸?????? ?°°??¤??¼ ?????´ ?°?????§???? ?¶??²???´ ?????½?????¤.

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??¤?????? Activity ?°¸????¸°??? ????³?

??¹????????? ??¼????????? ??¤?????? ?????°, ??´?²¤??¸ ??± Outdoor Activity??? ?°¸???????????? ??¸??­??´ ????²½?????? ?????°??¤?????´ ??¤??¤????¼???´?????? ?²½????????¤ ??? ???????????¤.